
What makes an ideal dentist?

As your chosen healthcare practitioner, you will want your dentist in Central London to be equipped with professional knowledge, industry-related skills and preferably with a great deal of real-world experience. It only stands to reason that all these qualities point to a superior dental care experience for the patient.

Yet, we would like to advocate that for an exceptional patient care experience, there needs to be a bit more the patient should look forward to. At Cannon Street Dental Centre, we believe that providing dental care should also encompass educating patients, not only about their dental condition, but how to better take care of their overall oral health and why this is important.

We have found that when armed with the right knowledge, patients feel more positive about prioritising dental care and their own role in protecting healthy teeth and gums. So, how does a patient align with a dentist in Central London who practises dental care with a patient-focused philosophy?

Qualities that make an ideal dentist in Central London

We like our patients to put a little more thought into how they decide on a dental practitioner. After all, looking after dental health is a life-long task and patients should find a dentist who will care for their teeth in the future.

Good dental practitioners encourage patient involvement. We believe this is a critical quality a dental practitioner should have. This helps patients feel in control over their own health. Once our dentist has conducted an examination and explained the condition and all options for treatment, the patient has the opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns. It is always up to the patient to make the ultimate decision with regard to their care.

Good dental practitioners are active listeners. A caring dental practitioner wants to help and the best way to know what a patient’s needs and goals are, is to really listen. In a consultation, our dental professional may ask questions to get to know you in order to better identify how to help you. It is important to us that before a patient leaves the consultation that their concerns and fears are addressed, and they feel confident and comfortable in going ahead with the next stage in the treatment process.

Good dental practitioners work towards building long-term patient relationships. It is always a good sign when a dentist takes the time to get to know a patient as this points to wanting to convert a one-time treatment session into a long-term patient relationship. Some of the ways we do this may involve conducting follow-up checks post treatment or scheduling the next appointment before you leave our practice.

Good dental practitioners are personable. Dental professionals do not work in isolation – they work with patients and so having a personable nature is a requirement. Patients are often put off from a dentist who appears cold, distant and impatient. It is very likely that with such a medical practitioner, no patient would favour a repeat visit.

Our patients at Cannon Street Dental Centre have come to expect quality dental care that places them at the centre of what we do. Give your oral health the same quality care by scheduling an appointment with us.