
Healthy teeth and a beautiful smile with the help of our dentist

It is important that you visit our dentist in London on a regular basis, with your family, to make sure that your teeth are clean and healthy and free of decay or disease. Alongside regular check-ups you will also need to visit the hygienist at least once every 6 months so that you can maintain good dental hygiene in London.


If you avoid our dentist in London then plaque and tartar will build up on your teeth and not only begin to affect the appearance of your smile, but also give rise to a range of unpleasant symptoms. Avoiding our dentist can result in the development of stained teeth and bad breath. If you begin to develop other symptoms such as sensitivity, bleeding gums or toothache then this means that you have further underlying issues and it is important that you book an appointment with our dentist in London immediately. We offer a full range of preventive dental treatments as well as restorative dental treatments for all your dental health issues.

Cosmetic dental treatment

If you have healthy teeth and gums then here, at Cannon Street Dental Centre, our dentist is able to provide you with a range of cosmetic dental treatment options to improve the appearance of your smile further. A beautiful and confident smile can have a positive impact on all aspects of your life. Typically a desirable smile consists of white teeth that are uniform in shape and size, symmetrical and neatly aligned.  This may sound like a lot yet thanks to advances in cosmetic dental treatment it is now quicker and easier to achieve than ever before.

Teeth whitening

Here at Cannon Street Dental Centre we carry out teeth whitening in London on a regular basis and we also prescribe patients with home treatment kits to whiten their teeth in the comfort of their own homes. Teeth whitening may be sufficient to transform your smile altogether. It should not be underestimated and by speaking to our dentist you can whiten your teeth in one appointment or in as little as 2 weeks depending on your dental needs and your personal preferences.

Veneers and composite bonding

To improve your smile further you can speak to our dentist and find out about veneers in London. Veneers in London are thin porcelain shells which are attached directly to the surface of your teeth to hide aesthetic issues of your teeth without compromising the health or function of the original tooth. Veneers are ideal for patients who have healthy teeth and gums, but are affected by aesthetic issues of the teeth. Veneers can last for 10 to 20 years and they will transform the appearance of your teeth altogether. If you are not ready for such a big commitment then you can speak to our dentist and find out about composite bonding. Similar to veneers, composite bonding also covers the front surface of your teeth, however a layer of composite is applied directly to the teeth and this is a reversible process which lasts up to 5 years if you look after your teeth carefully.

Speak to us at Cannon Street Dental Centre today and let us put together a cosmetic treatment plan that is suitable for you.