
Nervous about seeing our dentist? See how we can help

It is not a new phenomenon; many people, dating back to the times of Elizabeth I and further, have been scared of receiving treatment on their teeth. Indeed, Elizabeth I required a tooth to be extracted and was so concerned about the discomfort, it was performed on one of her courtiers beforehand, so she could see it wasn’t uncomfortable!


Of course, in modern dental surgeries, we can offer more simple methods of calming down our nervous patients, so we can help them to get their oral health going back in the right direction.

At Cannon Street Dental, our dentist in London can offer an array of options to help patients who are nervous to relax. We pride ourselves on offering an environment free from judgement, one where you and your family will feel safe and supported.

So, what are some of the ways that our dentist in London can help nervous patients? Read on to find out.


We understand that in the scheme of things, seeing our dentist in London is not how most people want to spend their morning or afternoon. But it is essential for your health and wellbeing, or else, your teeth may fall into a very decayed state, which will require more invasive methods.

So, when you are in the chair, we will be more than happy to talk to you about what we are doing or, if you prefer, we can talk about the weather!


Everyone likes music, especially when compared to a dental drill, and our team at Cannon Street Dental is more than happy for you to listen to music on a headset while we work on your teeth. We will need to communicate with you, however, especially if we need to open your mouth wider, so we will request to discuss this with you before you put the headset on. Music and guided meditations are especially good for nervous patients, so if it helps, we applaud it!

Nitrous oxide

Most people have heard of nitrous oxide as it is known as laughing gas. And, while we often find that we do not need to offer it, some patients prefer it, as it allows them to go about their day afterwards.

Given to you through a mask, this gas will allow you to feel groggy and unaware of what is going on. Once the mask is off, you will not feel any discomfort but may feel a bit dizzy.

Intravenous sedation

Intravenous sedation (or IV sedation) is suitable for those dental patients who want to have a more removed experience altogether when in the dental chair.

It is supplied to you via an injection into your arm, after which you will feel as though you are going to sleep. After the needle is removed, you will feel groggy and we advise you to bring someone along to escort you home afterwards. You should also refrain from driving for at least 24 hours after having IV sedation from our team. You will also not feel any discomfort after the needle is removed unless you have had an extraction.