
What to do if you have a cavity

Cavities (tooth decay) are defined as permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that slowly develop into tiny holes. They are among the world’s most common health problems, being more prevalent in children and teenagers, however anyone with teeth can get them. If cavities are not treated, they enlarge and begin to affect deeper layers of the teeth leading to toothaches, infections and sometimes even tooth loss. Here at Cannon Street Dental Centre, we encourage all our patients to have regular checks with our dentist in city of London to identify any early signs of cavities and prevent them from becoming bigger and more serious.


Cavities are caused by tooth decay which occurs over time due to the formation of plaque which is a clear and sticky film that coats the outer layer of your teeth. It occurs due to the consumption of sugars and starches and poor oral health. When you don’t brush your teeth efficiently, sugars that are not thoroughly cleaned off are eaten by bacteria which forms plaque. The acid in plaque removes minerals from your tooth’s hard outer enamel causing tiny openings or holes in it. Other causes of cavities include tooth location; decay mostly occurs in the molars and premolars which are located in the back of the mouth due to the multiple grooves and roots they have which collect food particles. As a result of this, they are more difficult to keep clean than the teeth at the front of your mouth and are therefore more at risk of developing cavities. Certain foods and drinks that contain high sugar content are also a cause of cavities as they cling onto the surface of your teeth for a long period of time as opposed to foods that can easily be washed away by saliva.


There are various signs and symptoms of cavities, so it is best to contact your Dentist in city of London as soon as you find that you are presenting any of the following:

If you experience a sudden toothache or pain that occurs with no apparent cause, it is often a sign that you may have a cavity. Tooth sensitivity is also a sign of a cavity, especially when brushing your teeth or drinking hot or cold beverages. If you find visible holes or pits in your teeth, then contact your dentist in city of London as soon as possible to book an appointment. All these signs indicate the formation of a cavity which is why it is vital to have regular dental check-ups and cleanings even when your teeth feel and look completely healthy.


There are many precautionary measures you can take in order to prevent the development of cavities. These include, but are not limited to, brushing with a fluoride toothpaste after every meal; ideally you should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day or after every meal and rinsing your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash. Eating tooth-healthy food also reduces the risk of getting cavities so it is best to avoid food that gets stuck in the grooves and pits of your teeth. Limiting your intake of beverages high in sugar content will also reduce the chances of cavity formation. Furthermore, we highly stress visiting your dentist regularly in order to detect any early signs of cavities or tooth decay.